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Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Mengenal Kata Korupsi

Korupsi (bahasa Latin: corruptio dari kata kerja corrumpere yang bermakna busuk, rusak, menggoyahkan, memutarbalik, menyogok). Secara harfiah, korupsi adalah perilaku pejabat publik, baik politikus|politisi maupun pegawai negeri, yang secara tidak wajar dan tidak legal memperkaya diri atau memperkaya mereka yang dekat dengannya, dengan menyalahgunakan kekuasaan publik yang dipercayakan kepada mereka.
Dari sudut pandang hukum, tindak pidana korupsi secara garis besar mencakup unsur-unsur sebagai berikut:
  • Perbuatan melawan hukum;
  • Penyalahgunaan kewenangan, kesempatan, atau sarana;
  • Memperkaya diri sendiri, orang lain, atau korporasi;
  • Merugikan keuangan negara atau perekonomian negara;
    Selain itu terdapat beberapa jenis tindak pidana korupsi yang lain, di antaranya:
    • Memberi atau menerima hadiah atau janji (penyuapan);
    • Penggelapan dalam jabatan;
    • Pemerasan dalam jabatan;
    • Ikut serta dalam pengadaan (bagi pegawai negeri/penyelenggara negara);
    • Menerima gratifikasi (bagi pegawai negeri/penyelenggara negara).
      Dalam arti yang luas, korupsi atau korupsi politis adalah penyalahgunaan jabatan resmi untuk keuntungan pribadi. Semua bentuk pemerintah|pemerintahan rentan korupsi dalam prakteknya. Beratnya korupsi berbeda-beda, dari yang paling ringan dalam bentuk penggunaan pengaruh dan dukungan untuk memberi dan menerima pertolongan, sampai dengan korupsi berat yang diresmikan, dan sebagainya. Titik ujung korupsi adalah kleptokrasi, yang arti harafiahnya pemerintahan oleh para pencuri, dimana pura-pura bertindak jujur pun tidak ada sama sekali.

      Korupsi yang muncul di bidang politik dan birokrasi bisa berbentuk sepele atau berat, terorganisasi atau tidak. Walau korupsi sering memudahkan kegiatan kriminal seperti penjualan narkotika, pencucian uang, dan prostitusi, korupsi itu sendiri tidak terbatas dalam hal-hal ini saja. Untuk mempelajari masalah ini dan membuat solusinya, sangat penting untuk membedakan antara korupsi dan kriminalitas|kejahatan.
      Tergantung dari negaranya atau wilayah hukumnya, ada perbedaan antara yang dianggap korupsi atau tidak. Sebagai contoh, pendanaan partai politik ada yang legal di satu tempat namun ada juga yang tidak legal di tempat lain.
      Senin, 30 Mei 2011

      The Way to Success Timesharing

      My comments are made on the basis that one is buying a timeshare for mainly trading purposes. All of the statements I will make are actual experiences not something someone said, or I heard somewhere. My family has been involved in timesharing since 1980. First my parents then my sisters and myself, now many of my extended family members own timeshare weeks. I am average income (work everyday), average intelligence. So since I did it anyone with patience, a minimum amount of time, and dedication can achieve the same results.

      Before even considering purchasing a timeshare, please talk to people who have had bad experiences first. This way you will be leery of everything going on. Better yet just follow my advice and have no problems at all.

      After deciding to purchase, remember no matter what resale is better. My reasoning for this is, there are a lot of dissatisfied owners out there willing to take a loss just to get out. So make their mistake your marvel. I have been and continue to take tours while on vacation just to stay intuned with the pricing of weeks. I have yet to find a resort that comes close to fitting into my price range of $2500.00 - $4000.00. If you are frugal then you will feel that $8000.00- $2000.00 is way too much to pay. However if a buyer goes resale through broker or individual very low prices can be attained. I purchased my two bedroom, red week/40 at SouthShore Lake Resort, rated Gold Crown in the RCI exchange system, in HotSprings Arkansas for $2800.00 in 1990. With this week my wife and I have exchanged within the RCI exchange system without many problems. Always getting a nice Resort at the desired time. Put a little time in shopping for a honest broker.

      Next be sure to buy at a nice resort. This is simple to do just give RCI a call and ask about the demand for the resort and week you're interested in purchasing. When I've done this for family members the counselors have always been happy to give the information I requested. You probably already know why, but just in case, better resorts and weeks give you better trading power.

      Also get a least a 2brm unit, since only a handful of resorts offer more than two bedroom anything more is a waste of money. Getting anything less limits one trading power depending on the resort, so two bedrooms are safe.

      Two more reasons many timeshare owners get disgusted with their week is banking and searching. First banking, with RCI which is the only exchange system I'm familiar with one must bank at least one year in advance to maximize his trading power. A simple matter, just pay your maintenance fees and call RCI to space bank your week. Simple, yes but a great deal of owners wait too late and that creates disappointment. Next is searching, this can and has been a small problem sometimes for working people trying to schedule a vacation. Again within the RCI system the earlier one starts a search the better the chance of getting the resort you want. Usually I can schedule my New Years vacation one year in advance and get a match, other vacations I'm persistent with RCI on giving me the Resort I want. RCI says that it dosen't do any good to call back after a search has been put in however, I've found this to be untrue on many occasions. There are many counselors answering the phone at RCI and some will work harder to get you what and when you want better than others so I call quite often when I know I have a difficult search in.<

      A couple of examples are News Years week 1995 I called until I got the best Resort in Palm Springs, Ca. The Desert Springs Villas 2/brm. Then New Years 1996 we went to Hilton Grande Vacation Villas in Las Vegas, Nv another tough one to match but persistence paid off. Some people may say this is too much trouble but free phone calls and a bit of time beats paying hundreds of dollars per for these accomidations.

      Just a couple of other things I would like to cover. Owning in one place and living in another, dosen't matter. That's how I got my two bedroom week.. The people I purchased it from moved to Florida and didn't feel comfortable being away from their home resort, their loss my gain. Just make sure you get a desirable Resort, remember a call to RCI will take care of that.

      Next I am living proof that you don't have to own in Las Vegas, Hawaii, or Orlando to get outstanding trades. I've heard for many many years that "you won't always be able to get trades like that". This may well come to truth some day but as for now it hasen't. We just recently got confirmed into the Quarter House in New Orleans for New Years 1997 week on that cheap ole Arkansas week.

      Remember to consider these items when deciding to purchase maintenance fees, deeded property, and fixed or floating time. So ends my sermon on "KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL TIMESHARING". Once again all my suggestions are based on the premise that one is buying mainly for trading purposes however, they are basic and should work in most situations.
      Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

      10 Tips for a Successful Entrepreneurial Pitch

      One of the hardest presentations to make is the entrepreneurial pitch. You have a great idea for a business and you want someone to give you money to make it happen. The problem is that venture capitalists, angel investors, and even rich uncles are heavily predisposed against you. Why? Because 99% of the pitches they hear sound like sure-fire prescriptions to lose money!

      If you are pitching investors to give you money for a new venture, you should subscribe to the following rules:

      1. Explain exactly what your business is within the first thirty seconds. Many entrepreneurs waste valuable time giving loads of data, background and other info-all the while investors are left scratching their heads thinking "What does this business actually DO?"

      2. Tell your audience who your customers will be. Paint a vivid, specific picture of these people.

      3. Explain why your customers going to give you there hard-earned money.

      4. Explain who your competitors are. (And if you say you have no competitors, that is a certain sign you are unsophisticated and deserve no investment money!)

      5. Explain why you are the ONE to make this happen.

      6. Give your presentation with confidence and enthusiasm. Investors want a founder/CEO to be a chief salesperson; they want to see that you can convince the world of your dream-not just them.

      7. Explain what star you can hitch a ride to. Has Best Buy or Radio Shack agreed to distribute your new product? Investors feel much more comfortable knowing you have an established player willing to distribute your wares.

      8. Ask for a specific amount of money. If all you do is ask for money, then you can't complain if an investor gives you $3.25 for a cup of Starbucks coffee.

      9. Tell prospects exactly what you are going to spend the money on (hint:a trip to Maui for you and your friends will not impress)

      10. Dress well, act confident, and put on the air that you don't really need their money, but would be willing to accept it if they bring enough to the table to be a strategic partner for you. Sad but true regarding human nature, but people are much more likely to give you money if they feel you don't really need it.

      Finally, make each pitch presentation serve as a focus group for your next presentation. When one group of investors asks you a series of questions after you pitch, write down all of those questions and make sure most of them are answered in your next pitch so that the next group doesn't have to ask them. Keep pitching and keep improving your pitch and eventually you may get funded.

      Impact of Corruption

      Corruption is both a major cause and a result of poverty around the world. It occurs at all levels of society, from local and national governments, civil society, judiciary functions, large and small businesses, military and other services and so on. Corruption affects the poorest the most, whether in rich or poor nations.

      The issue of corruption is very much inter-related with other issues. At a global level, the “international” (Washington Consensus-influenced) economic system that has shaped the current form of globalization in the past decades requires further scrutiny for it has also created conditions whereby corruption can flourish and exacerbate the conditions of people around the world who already have little say about their own destiny.

      A difficult thing to measure or compare, however, is the impact of corruption on poverty versus the effects of inequalities that are structured into law, such as unequal trade agreements, structural adjustment policies, so-called “free” trade agreements and so on. It is easier to see corruption. It is harder to see these other more formal, even legal forms of “corruption.” It is easy to assume that these are not even issues because they are part of the laws and institutions that govern national and international communities and many of us will be accustomed to it—it is how it works, so to speak. Those deeper aspects are discussed in other parts of this web site’s section on trade, economy, & related issues.

      That is not to belittle the issue of corruption, however, for its impacts are enormous too.

      Guide To Successful Affiliate Marketing

      While studying the achievements of super affiliates that earn handsome money every month, we find that their attitude is fine tuned to get optimum results from their attempts. Apart from the attitude everything is the same. They sell the same products that everyone else sells, they sign up for the same advertising program and employ the same SEO tactics. What makes them different is their willingness to experiment more, think creatively and showing of better understanding of human nature.

      1. Dare to Lead

      Don't just be a follower; you can set new standards in affiliate marketing. This statement does not mean you should learn the nice good qualities of successful Internet affiliate marketers. You can take new ideas from the success of successful Internet marketers. But you can think differently and creatively. Creativity is the first thing every successful affiliate marketer possesses. You can creatively design your website, plan a promotional campaign and generally play your cards correct. Set standards and be a leader, let others follow.

      2. Learn the Basics

      Learn the basics of closing a sale. Learn from the innumerable websites in the Internet that sell products and services. Be a constant learner of marketing. This way you will know what sells and what does not. Goal setting, planning and implementing of the plans correctly make you a successful Internet marketer. Set daily, weekly and monthly targets, then lay down the plan and follow up with the implementation of the plans.

      3. Set Priorities

      Everything you plan to do to promote your new affiliate product may or may not be necessary or fruitful. Separate the tasks as immediately essential, moderately lesser and unessential. Cutting down on unessential tasks saves your efforts and gives you more energy to concentrate on highly essential tasks.<

      4. Learn the art of Giving Before Receiving

      You can't bind horse before the cart. To receive something you need to give something. Here what you give before you take is information, tips and strategies to maximize the use of products you sell. For example if you sell photography items, provide in your website useful information about the care of different photographic products and continuously update the information with whatever you learn. Thus you learn to give before you receive.

      5. Network

      Network with fellow affiliate marketers. Help someone if needed. Don't shy away asking help if needed. Affiliate marketing is not a 'I Win, You Lose game'. Everyone can benefit from combined strengths.

      6. Widen your Horizon

      Don't put all your eggs in the same basket. Diversify your efforts. This advice is not a license to dilute your focus. If you are the affiliate of a company that sells digital camera, you will have a good idea about digital cameras, its components etc. Instead of setting your focus solely on digital camera for a specific company, become an affiliate of different companies that sell digital cameras. Also sell digital camera components like memory sticks, batteries, flash units … You simply give yourself more exposure to a variety of opportunities.

      7. Never Quit

      Last but not least. This one tip you need to bind to your heart. Early setbacks and losses are only natural. In such occasions, heartlessly dump the products or services that bring you low or no returns. Cut down costs. But never ever give up your career. You can find profitable products to sell that will give you profits. If you really want to become a successful affiliate marketer, you must see such setbacks as essential natural learning points.